We are North Bolton Runners…
January 6, 2019#ReasonToRun
North Bolton Runners was set up to help bring people in the community together.
We wanted to develop relationships and a local support network by using running as a shared social activity.It's been interesting to meet so many enthusiastic, positive and likeminded people.
We asked some of our members.....'What is your #ReasonToRun?
This is what they said....
When running, I feel free, alive and a sense that anything is possible. I’m immersed in the landscape, feeling the same sense of adventure I used to have when I was a kid. Any worries I may have, melt away. When running in a group, I feel an incredible sense of belonging and camaraderie. I’ve made new friends, laughed and even cried. Just when I feel defeated, they step in.
I used to hold the belief that running is only for the elite few. That if you couldn’t keep up, then you were out. How wrong I was. It is for anyone & everyone! If you’re willing to show up, running can literally change your life. This is why I run.
I first started running to get fitter... and I did. From a starting point of not being able to run for 5 minutes without stopping, I ran my first half marathon within 6 months. The experience of running with thousands of like-minded people was amazing. So good that I ran the Great North Run five more times.
Something magical started happening when I ran. It cleared my mind of stress and I found solutions to problems which had been bothering me, without even trying. It had become a form of meditation and I also benefited from being outdoors whatever the weather.
Now that I have joined NBR, I have realised that running can also be a great way to meet people too.

So my #ReasonToRun has changed. I started c25k in Aug to improve my fitness so I could keep up with my walking buddies on hills! Never understood why people ran. Completed my first ever race 5k in October. I kept running. I actually began to enjoy it. The post run high, chats with new friends, being outside in any weather, fancy dress fun and all the time I’m getting quicker and healthier. Did my first ever 10k race in December with a friend I met through the club as my pace buddy and was cheered to the finish line by more new running friends. Now I run because life is just so much better after a run. I get it. I get why people run.
I took up running around the age of 40, when as a beer swilling, fag smoking, junk eating, overweight detective, I realised I needed to sort my life out. Running helped me to change my life around. I joined a club and I enjoyed running in races of every distance from 5k to marathon.
I became a leader in running fitness, as I like helping others starting out running. I am an active parkrunner - both running and volunteering.
Most of all, I love running on the hills and trails, we have such beauty on our doorstep and getting out there is food for the soul. I have recently been diagnosed with a wonky heart, which restricts my speed and distance, but I am just glad I can still get out and have fun.
Following 15 years of competing internationally as a dancer, I knew that my retirement from the sport would never be easy. I moved to Bromley Cross in September and saw the NBR advertising the next round of couch to 5K and decided to give it a go. With leaving a team sport, I grieved that team ethos and spirit that I was no longer part of and really hoped to be welcomed into NBR. With being a complete novice, I was terrified of becoming involved in a new sport and worried about being welcomed into NBR. The group was so inclusive and I felt part of a team straight away. I was able to build my confidence really quickly in a brand new sport I never thought I would be able to "do". I have experienced personal accomplishments of being able to complete a 5km, I've met some incredible people and made lifelong friends too. Thank you NBR for providing the opportunity to fall in love with another sport. I can't wait to wear the merchandise! Building my confidence and being part of a team have been my #ReasonToRun

What is my reason to run?
I have many; I can’t choose just one
To exercise my dogs
To exorcise the demons
Squelching through bogs
Can give life more meaning
For fresh air
For the views
For the feeling of mud
Beneath my shoes
For the fitness
For the fun
For the friendships
For another hot cross bun
For the fizz of endorphins
Coursing through my veins.
To roar at the elements:
Heat. Cold. Wind. Rain.
To perspire
To inspire
Those watching, thinking they can’t do this:
You can;
The small ones who learn being active is fun;
Me, myself and I
To do, to fail, to try
And again.
To push myself further
To know I can do more still
Past my own self-imposed limits
To build a stronger will.
I’m late to the party at 56 but better late than never! I love to feel in touch with nature when I run; feel the ground beneath my feet, look up at the trees, listen to the song of the birds, shut out the world of frustration and worry. The pounding of my heart in my chest, my breath flowing in and out, the blood coursing through my veins. I’m totally in touch with my body and soul. I may not be expert at this or break any records, but I know who I am when I run. I’m ME and I’m good enough. I’m alive!

My reason to run is my son. He doesn't have the use of his legs like I do and will never be able to physically run any distance unaided. Like all little boys he love to go fast, he's a speed junkie who squeals and shouts as we push him in his specialist jogger.
I'm grateful for my working body and I want to use it, look after it and gain strength. I need to be stronger so that whatever size my son grows to I can continue to help him physically, but more importantly to us both, I want to be able to push him in his jogger and hear him squeal and shout 'faster'! That's my reason to run....
My reasons for running are varied. 2 years ago I was sitting in quite a few nights and decided to look for something that would get my but off the couch.
Although I use a gym on a regular basis I wanted to get involved in something that would not only get me out in the fresh air, but would also open an opportunity of meeting new friends. I saw a post on Facebook for Trail Tuesday and went along. I loved it and got everything I was looking for. From there, NBR emerged and I decided to join them. I can only say I am now part of a fantastic family of 700 plus and growing.
My reasons for running are many. However, if I could pinpoint any in particular I would bottle it and sell it to all non-runners .
If you run, you will no doubt share a common bond with fellow runners. This, I think is special, even though we can’t quite explain what it is. The sense of freedom after a busy day at work is always a reason for me and it allows me to have my time and headspace time. Running is probably one of the only sports I can do and feel confident doing on my own, yet still have fun if out running with friends. Running has opened a door to a huge world for me that includes new friends, new experiences and new parts of the world.

Being part of a local running club helps me through the support and commitment I get to enable me to achieve my full potential and improve my own personal performance. The output is that it helps me to reach my goals and challenge my limits.
The way running makes me feel is indescribable. I am my biggest critic and I feel I am the one who should be wanting to better myself. Being part of the NBR team who are a very friendly and helpful running group, encourages me to be just me, with nothing to prove to anyone else. The help and inspiration provided is immense, and the joy of making new friends is always welcomed.
More importantly, the way fitness and exercise makes me feel is one of my biggest motivators, and I feel most alive when I’m part of a running community who feel likewise. My confidence has significantly increased. My mind-set is so much more positive, making me want to contribute and support the wider running community more so; by giving back to others.
It also proves that ‘Yes You Can’. No matter what you’re pace, you’re a runner and NBR doesn’t discriminate on how good or bad you are!
Easy…..escape from my husband and kids!

Fat, unfit and well over fifty - lots of Fs in my Reason2Run!
Post breast cancer, I was very overweight (nearly 15 stone) and suffering mentally. I lost around 3 stones, then, at 3am on New Year's Day 2017, I entered the GNR! So I HAD to start running! Five Half Marathons later, I'm loving it - and training for a Marathon!
I run for my personal wellbeing - physical and mental. I love the ‘me’ time, whether running solo or in a group. The friendships and support have been fantastic. I get a real buzz from setting myself a challenge and achieving it, as well as inspiring, motivating and leading others. I run for a good life balance. Running keeps me happy.